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Is vehicle theft a growing trend?

Over the past few weeks there seems to have been a story of some type of vehicle crime or another on the news every day! Granted I am a bit tuned into vehicle stories but nonetheless, moped crime, non - insured drivers, drink drivers, car theft rings and key cloning seem to be the order of the day. Also, of course, I speak with customers every day who have experienced either theft or attempted theft of their vehicles and some will tell me that they have had a theft attempt 3 or 4 times in a matter of days!

Lordy me what a state of affairs!

When it comes to preventing vehicle theft, insurance companies are straight down the line: if they want a Thatcham Approved Tracker or Thatcham Approved Immobiliser you will need to adhere if you wish to be insured. Of course there are also those who simply want to protect their vehicle from theft and will often go to extreme lengths in order to achieve this. Likewise, many don't actually require a Thatcham approved tracker but choose to have one as peace of mind - the mobile app is a handy way of checking in, not just with your vehicle but with loved ones. It is an assurance that they are safe and sound and where you expect them to be - this isn't as ominous as it sounds :-D many people with motorhomes will set the app on relatives phones so that they can track their journey while they are abroad and I have used it when I have been unable to reach my husband but know he is on the way home - he is usually at the services and unable to answer the phone when I call so it is reassuring to check in and know that he is safe... Both the Meta Trak and Vodafone Automotive products provide a mobile app which provides not just 24/7 updates on the vehicle's whereabouts but also historical data, driving score and much more. However, a GPS Tracking System is a means to recover or find your car in the event of theft but it can do more than this. You can also use it to remotely immobilise your vehicle, set up geofences and notifications and even trigger an alarm. Click here for more information on Thatcham Category 6 Trackers or here for more information on Thatcham Category 5 Trackers.

The truth is though that if you absolutely, categorically, without a shadow of doubt want to make sure that your car cannot be stolen with cloned or stolen keys, there is really only one solution, the Autowatch Ghost Immobilser. The Autowatch Ghost is hands down the very best immobiliser available in the UK (and yes - I am both independent and unbiased, it's just that good). You can read more about the Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser by clicking here.

Believe it or not there is even more that you can do, many of our customers also wish to keep an eye on crazy drivers on the road and the obvious choice nowadays is a front and rear Dash Cam but even these can help with car theft. The Thinkware F770 has a rather brilliant parked mode which will silently keep an eye on who is around your car and what they are doing while you aren't there.

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